⚲ 13:30 | Amtsgericht Tiergarten, Turmstraße 91, Berlin-Moabit
Come view the trial on the 22nd of January 2025
Join us for a rally outside the infamous Courthouse of Injustice.
The court called in the state agent, FU president Ziegler, as a witness instead of a suspect. We can’t promise that justice will be served but entertainment, yes
Palestine at the forefront, Students for Palestine FU, Student Coalition Berlin, Hands off student rights
second hearing of the trespassing charge for lecture hall occupation (July 9, 2024)
Ziegler is called in as a witness and not as eviction-obsessed, genocidesupporter. we will correct that.
we shall remind the court that:
1. Ziegler authorized several evictions of peaceful protests, unleashing riot police on his students. his presidency relies on police brutality and is marked with the most violent attacks on students in decades.
2. the FU university has been complicit in violating international law through its partnership with the apartheid-upholdind and genocidefacilitating hebrew university of Jerusalem