Repression: “From the river to the sea” trial postponed until May 2025


The trial against the jewish film-maker Dror Dayan at the court Amtsgericht Tiergarten, which should have been at Monday 27th January, is postponed until May 2025.

Jewish Voice and others had called for trial support and a solidarity rally.

In a small interview with the Journalist James Jackson, posted at so-called social media, Dror Dayan said:
“I think that’s just another repression tactic. The point is just to make people tired, to not come, to not show solidarity.

Here the full transcription of the video. Dror Dayan is standing in front of the Amtsgericht Tiergarten and police vans, which are there, because also another trial against a pro-palestine activist happened at the same day.

Dror Dayan: Today was supposed to be the hearing, in my case, for spreading of terrorist and anti-constitutional propaganda, for tweeting a tweet that contained the slogan, From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free.

James Jackson: But you were quoting it, right?

Dror Dayan: The tweet was in reference to a newspaper article that said that the slogan should be persecuted in the same way that Nazi symbols and slogans will be persecuted. I stated the slogan and I commented saying that the Palestinian Solidarity Movement in Germany cannot become the scapegoat of the Germans and the crimes of the German past cannot be shaken off on the backs of the Palestinians. But the tweet contained the slogan and for that reason they couldn’t.

James Jackson: There’s a certain irony there, I suppose. And what happened today?

Dror Dayan: So today we were supposed to have the hearing in the case, also very fittingly on the Holocaust Memorial Day, because I see a clear connection between the way that Germany is sort of revising its past the way it’s ignoring its support of the genocide in Gaza now and what went on today we were supposed to have the court case now we were prepared for it with everything that we needed to and then apparently one person from the LKA that was supposed to come and give their expert opinion was sick and that was reason to to postpone everything to May. I think that’s just another repression tactic. The point is just to make people tired, to not come, to not show solidarity. We were prepared. We were ready to put our arguments forward. We know what we were going to say. And the German justice system, I think, was in this case too coward to take it on and just resorted to postponing the trial.

James Jackson: And you’ve already been waiting since 2023. That’s a long time for one of these kind of cases, right?

Dror Dayan: Exactly. So by the time we would have the hearing, the tweet would be one and a half years old. But that’s just the way I think that this repression works.


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