[2025/01/31] Trial Support & Solidarity Rally for comrade in pre-trial detention prison since 4 month!

⚲ 09:30 | Amtsgericht Tiergarten, Turmstraße 91, Berlin-Moabit

5th trial + rally / 09:30 Hearing / 10:00 Rally

After all these testimonies are over, at 31.01.2025 the imprisoned comrade will give an input/speech at the trial!

At the previous hearing on 27.01.25 the state put the comrade again in a wooden cage while police officers from Bayern gave testimonies regarding the “attacking police” charges. The rally outside the court faced a lot of police harassment and arrests under the pretence that the slogan “Zionisten sind Faschisten” constitutes “inciting the public”. The police arrested almost half the rally attendees and took them to the detention center in Spandau, releasing them a couple of hours later.

They are trying to criminalize our solidarity with this brave woman, who has been held since October 2024 in prison (Untersuchungshaft) for allegedly: Attempted damage to property, attempted arson, use of signs of unconstitutional or terrorist organizations, resistance to law enforcement officers, and assault on law enforcement officers.

The next two hearings are this week. On Friday, after all these testimonies are over, there will be input from her side!

Let us all join in solidarity with this brave comrade who defends her principles and Palestine even from behind bars!


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Zweck dieses Blogs ist es, zu mehr anarchistischen und autonomen Pro-Palästina-Aktivitäten zu motivieren und das Schweigen in Teilen unserer Szene über den andauernden Genozid an der palästinensischen Bevölkerung zu durchbrechen, durch die Veröffentlichung und Verbreitung von anarchistischen und autonomen Pro-Palästina-Inhalten und Berichten aus verschiedenen Quellen.

The aim of this blog is to encourage for more anarchist and autonomous pro-Palestine activities and to break the silence in parts of our scene about the ongoing genocide against Palestinian people, by publishing and spreading of anarchist and autonomous pro-Palestine content and reports from various sources.