Direct Actions for Palestine in Berlin

While Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian population continues on a horrific scale, with the support from Western accomplices – especially from Germany, numerous protest demonstrations and actions of civil disobedience against the genocide are being attacked by the german cops with bloody violence and comrades are already being charged for just shouting slogans.

When a state brutally attempts to crush all pacifist means of protest and civil disobedience and covers them with massive repression and criminalisation in order to continue to legitimise support for the actor of the murderous violence – that is Israel and it’s allies and war profit makers – as „Deutsche Staatsräson” (“german reason of state”), it is understandable that protesters turn to more creative and effective ways of protesting and that more and more people see that as appropriate or at least don’t condemn it.

In Germany, too, there have therefore been more and more targeted direct actions against weapons and surveillance technology companies and the offices of various German parties since the end of 2023.

Recently, “Palestine Action” also began its first actions in Germany. The “Palestine Action” network is internationally known for its continuous and increasingly spectacular actions against the war electronics company Elbit and banks in the UK.

20.11.2023 – Actions against party offices
„Free Sonnenallee from SPD & Greens – smash!” [Some Anarchists]

20.12.2023 – Action against party office
„From the Sonnenallee to the sea – Action against Greens party officeo” [(A) Freedom arises from a movement of struggle]

27.12.2023 – Action against profit maker
„Against environmental destruction, oppression and war – fire for CEMEX concrete plan” [Switch off]

09.02.2024 – Action against surveillance tech company
„Fahrzeuge und Ladestationen von Tesla abgefackelt” [Switch off]

15.02.2024 – Action against surveillance and war tech company
„Thales Group attacked: for Refaat – for Gaza” [Some Anarchists]

21.02.2024 – Action against media’s hate speech
„Pro-Palestine activists targeted Germany’s largest publishing house, Axel Springer” (anonym)

17.03.2024 – Action against weapons company
„Palestinian Solidarity Activists Attack Downtown Berlin Weapons Industry Targets” [anonym]

13.05.2024 – Action against local complicity
„If Gaza burns, Berlin burns – high damage after fire in a local Berlin town hall” [anonym]

07.06.2024 – Actions against party offices
„If Gaza burns, Berlin burns – color attack at two party headquarters of the SPD” [anonym]

06.08.2024 – Action against party office
„Assault on the community Office of the SPD-polititian Lars Düsterhöft” [Some Anarchists]

15.08.2024 – Action against party office
„Headquarter of the party SPD sprayed with paint” [anonym]

16.08.2024 – Actions against party offices
„Anonymous activists struck four offices of political parties complicit” [anonym]
Source 1: Palestine Action Germany
Source 2:
Source 3 (english article):

30.08.2024 – Action against party office
„German flag burned at SPD-office” [Brennt Gaza brennt Berlin]



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Zweck dieses Blogs ist es, zu mehr anarchistischen und autonomen Pro-Palästina-Aktivitäten zu motivieren und das Schweigen in Teilen unserer Szene über den andauernden Genozid an der palästinensischen Bevölkerung zu durchbrechen, durch die Veröffentlichung und Verbreitung von anarchistischen und autonomen Pro-Palästina-Inhalten und Berichten aus verschiedenen Quellen.

The aim of this blog is to encourage for more anarchist and autonomous pro-Palestine activities and to break the silence in parts of our scene about the ongoing genocide against Palestinian people, by publishing and spreading of anarchist and autonomous pro-Palestine content and reports from various sources.