Report: “From the river to the sea”-trial postponed – police violence and arrests at the solidarity rally

Berlin, 22.08.2024. Berlin court cancelled Daria’s trial at the last minute and postponed it to 11th of November 2024.

Daria was facing her first hearing at Amtsgericht Tiergarten for chanting “Palestine will be free, from the river to the sea” at a demonstration in March 2024.

Hundreds of people had gathered in front of the courthouse in solidarity.

Anarchists also mobilised to the solidarity rally and gave a speech.

After Daria addressed the crowd with a speech, she was brutally arrested by the Berlin police. After a violent assault by the german police there were approximately a dozen arrests in total. Also the police did “arrest” the loudspeaker system, which they later had to let free.

The judge claimed he was not aware of the huge public interest for this case and would require more time to properly assess it.

Sources/More Infos:



Speech by anarchists at the solidarity rally in front of the courtyard on 22nd of August 2024

Today, we know that what happens inside that courtroom has nothing to do with fairness or justice:

This system’s laws, and enforcement of these laws, are rotten to the core. They are as violent as the police and the nazis of this genocidal country. We reject the authority of this state, of this entire system that this tribunal, this judge, are manifestations of.

We are not here for their rulings or their judgments. We are here because it offers us yet another opportunity to raise our voices – for Palestine and for all oppressed peoples who continue their fight for freedom, dignity, and self-determination.

We do not need laws to protect us, nor do we recognize the authority of a police force that exists only to control and repress.
We stand here, unwavering, because we know we are on the right side of history, on the side of dignity. No verdict passed today or any day can change that truth, because what we fight for goes beyond their courts, beyond their judgments, beyond their laws.
We are here once more, standing together in solidarity.
With each attempt to silence us, you merely give us more reason to resist, more reason to fight, more reason to stand together. And know this: The day will come when your children, your grandchildren, will stand here with us. They will see through the veil of injustice and join us in the struggle for dignity.

Because it has become clear to everyone who witnesses this – dignity is not something that can be granted or taken away by the stroke of a pen or the decision of a judge. It belongs to all of us by virtue of our humanity. And our movement will continue, regardless of your approval or your disapproval, for our cause transcends the walls of this courtroom, the laws of this state, and the borders drawn by people in power.

We do not fight for ourselves alone. We fight our comrades, we fight for all oppressed and marginalised peoples and groups in inter-communalist solidarity and struggle, we fight for the generations that will come after us.

As our comrades from FAUDA (the anarchist movement in Palestine) wrote in January: “Today, Palestine is the front of freedom fighters all over the world, and Gaza is like its heart.” And in April they wrote: “Every person who loves Palestine and its oppressed people can play an effective role in this civilizational struggle. Anarchists who hate Zionist apartheid can play a much more important role in supporting the anarchist front of anti-Zionist resistance. This is the common goal that has brought us together from all over the world.” Our anarchist comrades from FAUDA in Palestine say loud and clear: “Guided by principles of justice and liberation, we recognize that our struggle is inherently connected with the struggles of all oppressed and Indigenous peoples.”

Dignity is not something that can be given or taken away. It is inherent, and it belongs to all of us. And so we will continue to fight, we will continue to stand, and we will continue to resist until every person, everywhere, is free.

We will continue to fight until total liberation – We will continue to fight until Palestine is free, until Kurdistan is free, until Western Sahara is free, until Haiti is free, until Congo is free, until Sudan is free, until Kanaky is free, until all the oppressed people of this world are free!

We will end with a poem by freedom fighter Ghassan Kanafani (who was murdered by Israel in 1972):

All your armies
all your fighters
all your tanks
and all your soldiers
against the boy
holding a stone
standing there
all alone
In his eyes
I see no sun
In his smile
I see no moon
and I wonder
I only wonder
who is weak and
who is strong
who is right and
who is wrong
and I wish
I only wish
that the truth
has a tongue.

This is our fight, and we will never stop fighting. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

They can give us a fine, put us in jail, criminalize us, but they will never break our spirit to resist nor our will to struggle for a decolonized Palestine.



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Zweck dieses Blogs ist es, zu mehr anarchistischen und autonomen Pro-Palästina-Aktivitäten zu motivieren und das Schweigen in Teilen unserer Szene über den andauernden Genozid an der palästinensischen Bevölkerung zu durchbrechen, durch die Veröffentlichung und Verbreitung von anarchistischen und autonomen Pro-Palästina-Inhalten und Berichten aus verschiedenen Quellen.

The aim of this blog is to encourage for more anarchist and autonomous pro-Palestine activities and to break the silence in parts of our scene about the ongoing genocide against Palestinian people, by publishing and spreading of anarchist and autonomous pro-Palestine content and reports from various sources.