Statement: Our Silence Pisses Us Off! – internationalist Anarchists Leipzig


Whether Palestine, Sudan, Congo, Yemen, Bangladesh or the Polish-Belarusian primeval forests and Europe’s outsourced borders in Libya, Egypt and Tunisia – terrible news of countless crimes and unimaginable suffering are coming from everywhere. Germany, truly a picture-book national power of the 21st century, is deeply involved in all these atrocities economically, militarily and politically.

From our internationalist anarchist perspective, we want to deal with these issues in this group, show solidarity and become active.

Special focus must be placed on the ongoing genocide in Gaza and the continuing oppression of Palestinians in the West Bank. Not only because death, abuse and destruction have reached unimaginable proportions, but also because the German state plays a central role in this. Germany unconditionally supports the state of Israel and Netanyahu’s right-wing extremist government and eagerly supplies weapons for all their inhumane acts.


When it comes to the suffering in Gaza, only the German left is more silent than the German media, especially (Leipzig) anarchists. And we don’t mean the anti-German „anarchists” by their own definition, because they are unfortunately quite loud (even if they should really question whether these two world views are compatible in any way). We don’t want to go into their nationalistic nonsense here, but rather refer to the rest of the „scene”. Where are you? Where have you been in the last 10 months?


Who are we?

We are a group of internationalist, queerfeminist anarchists. We stand for the self-determination and self-management of all people, independent of all systems of domination, borders and nations, patriarchal oppression apartheid and exploitation. Especially in the belly of the beast, internationalism must again play a significant role, particularly within the left and libertarian socialists.


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The contact by mail and the social media accounts are only associated with this blog (“#anarchists4palestine – autonomous and anarchist pro palestine blog”), and not with any group or network. (Public PGP key: a4p_pub.asc)

Zweck dieses Blogs ist es, zu mehr anarchistischen und autonomen Pro-Palästina-Aktivitäten zu motivieren und das Schweigen in Teilen unserer Szene über den andauernden Genozid an der palästinensischen Bevölkerung zu durchbrechen, durch die Veröffentlichung und Verbreitung von anarchistischen und autonomen Pro-Palästina-Inhalten und Berichten aus verschiedenen Quellen.

The aim of this blog is to encourage for more anarchist and autonomous pro-Palestine activities and to break the silence in parts of our scene about the ongoing genocide against Palestinian people, by publishing and spreading of anarchist and autonomous pro-Palestine content and reports from various sources.