[2024/10/18] Soli Dinner For Gaza

18:00 to 22:00 | Vetomat, Wühlischstraße 42, Friedrichshain

Hello everyone,
next Friday the 18 October, from 6-10pm we will have our next solidarity party. @vetomat

This time there will be Vegan lasagne and of course drinks for a donation.
This amount goes 100% directly to our contact in Palestine, who in turn distributes the money to the families in need.

If you would like to support us, we are still urgently looking for helping hands.
Also you can prepare a vegan lasagna at home and bring the lasagna one day before or at the same day to us.
Please just let us know so that we can sign you up and do some plannings.

Otherwise, as always, there will be music from the turntable.
Italo Disco, 60-80’s with Miss Borgia & Dj Gallo

We open also the screen printing area for a live session.
So bring your own shirt or pullover and we can print together one of our small designs.

! Stop the genocide !
United we stand for Palestine

by: Authentic Streetfood Berlin


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Zweck dieses Blogs ist es, zu mehr anarchistischen und autonomen Pro-Palästina-Aktivitäten zu motivieren und das Schweigen in Teilen unserer Szene über den andauernden Genozid an der palästinensischen Bevölkerung zu durchbrechen, durch die Veröffentlichung und Verbreitung von anarchistischen und autonomen Pro-Palästina-Inhalten und Berichten aus verschiedenen Quellen.

The aim of this blog is to encourage for more anarchist and autonomous pro-Palestine activities and to break the silence in parts of our scene about the ongoing genocide against Palestinian people, by publishing and spreading of anarchist and autonomous pro-Palestine content and reports from various sources.