Palestine Action against Allianz (german insurance and investment company) – demanding to drop Elbit

Source: Palestine Action, Instagram, 27.01.2025

Activists targeted the international German insurance and investment company ALLIANZ in Berlin Mitte with red paint to make their genocidal support for the Zionist entity visible.

ALLIANZ not only insures all Elbit staff and workers by default but has also held and continues to hold up to 2 percent of Elbit in shares over the last decades. Without ALLIANZ’s support, the war machine would not be able to insure itself against the risk of being finally charged with war crimes and genocide.
Elbit continues to be the main supplier of drones and Merkava tanks to the Zionist entity and thus sits at the heart of the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people.

ALLIANZ has a long tradition of supporting fascist regimes and their genocides. Already during the Nazi dictatorship, ALLIANZ insured the war criminals in the concentration camps as well as prisoner barracks, material stores and vehicle fleets in Auschwitz and other concentration camps.

Palestine Action demands ALLIANZ to DROP ELBIT NOW and will continue to fight until we SHUT ELBIT DOWN!!


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