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More street-art for Palestine
As the genocidal escalation by Israel and it’s allies in the region is growing, more and more street-art for Palestine, against the genocide in Gaza and Westbank, against the IDF, against Israel, against the attacks on Libanon, or against zionists here… etc… is popping up in the streets of Berlin.
Streetart for Palestine
Posters, written messages, stickers: Palestine is everywhere in the streets of Berlin. Fun fact: the round street-art poster with the slogan “GENOZID? Nein Danke” (“Genocide? No thanks”) is totally hated by Pro-Israel fans, although it doesn’t even name any country…
More Graffiti and Stencils for Palestine in Friedrichshain
Source: fhain sightseeing tours The Friedrichshain neighborhoods have gained ground in the Berlin-wide pro-Palestine stencil and graffiti competition.
Friedrichshain: Mobi-Graffiti & Stencils für NAKBA-DEMO
Source: kontrapolis.info / anonym In mehreren Kiezen von Berlin-Friedrichshain tauchen vermehrt Pro-Palästina-Parolen und Stencils an den Wänden und auf den Gehwegen auf. In vielen Stadtteilen Berlins ist es schon Normalität geworden; und Kreuzberg, Wedding und vor allem Neukölln sind sicherlich die unangefochtenen Hochburgen der antikolonialen Wandpropaganda für die Freiheit von Palästina und gegen den Genozid.…